Lemonade International Blog

Category: Guatemala

What We Can Learn from Haiti About Gang Displacement

Gang Displacement is less effective than Community Transformation through Academic Formation, Gang Prevention, and Community Relief If you ever went to Chuck E. Cheese as a kid, you may remember “whack-a-mole.” Before Candy Crush and Wordle, when people played games at arcades, it was a classic game where the player used a fake hammer to […]

When A River Reaches A Sea – Plans For Brave Tears [Guest Post]

Today’s guest post is from Aixa de López, an incredible lover of Jesus and advocate for the people of La Limonada. She serves alongside her husband Pastor Alex Lopez at Fraternidad Cristiana de Guatemala. She blogs regularly (in Spanish) at www.aixadelopez.org, where today’s post was originally published. It is incredible to see local Guatemalans following […]

Let The Little Children Come To Me

Guatemala is one of the hardest places in the world to be a child. Nearly 20% of the population is living in extreme poverty, just like in La Limonada. An estimated four in 10 children are experiencing sexual abuse right now. For each case that is reported, it is estimated that seven go unreported. These […]

Photo of the Week

Happy Independence Day, Guatemala! As we celebrate today, we pray that all would experience spiritual and physical freedom. (Photo by Silent Images)

Eat Like a Guatemalan – Mirna’s Recipe for Rosa De Jamaica

We have shared several of the recipes enjoyed by our service learning groups during their stay at the Lemonade Guest House – Traditional Pepián de Pollo, Pollo Con Crema, and Salsa Verde. Those who come to serve, learn, and build relationships in La Limonada also have the opportunity to taste the unique flavors and experience […]

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