Making Lemonade Out of Lemons

Together, let’s turn adversity into opportunity – and lemons into lemonade. The hope we share brings sweetness, kindness, hope, and joy to those we serve throughout marginalized communities in Guatemala City.

Get Involved

Share a healthy meal

Your gift of $20 could cook meals for 2 families next month.
Prior to COVID, children received a healthy meal each day at the Alcance Centers. During the pandemic they began sending the meals home – which led to sending home meals for the whole family.

Sponsor a Child

Join our community of monthly supporters.  Help children receive educational support, nutritious meals, mentoring and spiritual development.

Resource a Center

$9,150 can fund a coordinator and nutrition program for an Alcance Center for six months!

Nourish a neighborhood through academic support, spiritual formation, parental empowerment and community development programs.


Education is powerful.

It gives individuals the tools they need to take ownership of their lives. It leads to thriving families.

In Guatemala City, many children drop out before they’re able to reap these benefits. And in 2021 almost 187,000 children and adolescents didn’t complete the school year — 71.6% more drop outs than the year before.

Teaching young children and families is also the primary method of gang prevention. Supporting Alcance centers builds communities and keeps children in school.

We support children and families

in Guatemala City.

Asociación Comunitaria Alcance has built

four community centers in eastern Guatemala City.



Let’s build the future together.

Help our partners faithfully instruct, disciple, and give life-skill preparation to the children in Guatemala City.

We are committed to honor your generosity and use your donation in the most effective way possible. Donations will be used to provide assistance where needed most as we work to help the families and children of Guatemala City. All donations are tax-deductible.