From a young age, Diego proved capable of achieving anything he set his mind to, but like many children in La Limonada: he was left without a father.
Diego’s father belongs to a criminal group that operates throughout the region. Eventually, his father was convicted and sentenced to serve time in jail, leaving Diego and his mother to fend for themselves.
Years went by with Diego’s mother becoming involved in gang activity and having four more children, each from a different father. Thankfully his grandfather stepped in to help provide necessities and parental care, but Diego was still without the resources for his struggling education.
Circumstances brightened as soon as he was able to enroll at a Vidas Plenas academy. Now Diego has access to the tools and guidance of teachers and psychologists to move beyond his challenging childhood.
For the first time in his life, the dream of a promising future could become a reality for Diego.

In the beginning of 2021, a new wave of Covid began spreading throughout the community of La Limonada. Conditions became fragile for Diego and many other children experiencing difficulties at home.
The chances of Diego following in the footsteps of his father became more possible than ever.
That is, if he did not have the accountability and encouragement of Vidas Plenas.
Even though his grandfather had not been visiting like he had been before Covid, the staff continued to visit, assist with schooling, and motivate Diego to not give up studying.
His grandfather told us, “I have always asked God to guide Diego. The truth was, I felt joy when you came to visit him. I hope that soon I can talk to him so that I can encourage him and he can tell me what he is going through.”
Spurring on the faith and confidence of Diego and hundreds of other children has become one of the most vital ways that we serve the vulnerable families in the poorest neighborhoods of Guatemala City.
Although sorrow and brokenness confront these families, our continued support is bringing tangible hope to brighten the days and homes of La Limonada.
You can make a difference in the life of a child just like Diego by becoming a sponsor. Have questions about sponsoring with Lemoande? Contact Christa Heinzelman at